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You Might Be An Addict If…


I am not neat or meticulous with my crafting. Ok, I’ll admit I’m a borderline slob.

I have a habit of going to the craft store, buying as many things as I can find on clearance.  I take my treasures out of the bags that they come in, and use them when inspiration strikes me.

I have a bad habit of taking the store bags that my treasures come in, and I throw them in a corner next to my desk, with the intention of using them to collect trash.

Today I was upstairs cleaning my craft room, picking up the remnants of paper from a project I did 7 days ago.  I grabbed a trash bag to put the baby scraps of trashed paper in, and found all of the things in this photo that were still left in the bag from a shopping trip I took in December.  Almost two months ago…haha!

Have you ever went on a shopping spree, brought your treasures home, threw it on the ground, and forgot about it?  Tell me about it.

I think I’m addicted to just building my stash. I don’t think I want rehab either.

Who’s an addict like I am?


I love paper and scrapbooking and embellishments and paper and DIY and paper - basically anything that allows me to express my creativity. I want to empower all people to create daily!

One thought on “You Might Be An Addict If…

  1. I’m an addict! I buy way too much with grand plans for using it and then never use it. Or I hoard it for a ‘special project’ and just take it out of the cupboard to admire before putting it back.

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